WICR-2020-S0 Standard Questions report
Standard report. Covers only the standard questions from the survey of 1,780 people.
Alcohol Consumption
Q3 Which of the following alcoholic beverages do you drink? Please select all that apply: Domestic beer; Imported beer; Craft beer: Hard cider; Wine; Spirits
WIC Awareness and Wine Perceptions
Q5 Have you heard of wine-in-a-can?
Q6 List any wine-in-a-can brands that you know about.
Perceptions after trial of WIC
Q7 Have you ever tried wine-in-a-can?
Q8 You indicated that you have tried wine-in-a-can. Please tell us your thoughts about this wine product.
Wine Purchase Behavior
Q9 Have you ever purchased wine-in-a-can?
Q10 Where was the wine-in-a-can purchased?
Q16 A typical serving of wine is between 5 to 6 ounces depending on the pour. On average, how much would you be willing to spend on a can of wine that you knew you liked to drink?
List the price for 187ml; 250ml; 375ml cans.
Q17 What size can do you prefer: 187ml; 250ml; 375ml. Why?
Wine Consumption Behavior
Q11 What styles of wine were in the cans you purchased or tasted?
Q12 What types of wine were in the cans that you tasted?
Q13 Where (or what occasions) have you consumed wine-in-a-can?
Q14 Using the scale below, how important are the following wine-in-a-can attributes to you?
Q15 Please rank the following wine-in-a-can convenience attributes:
Social Media
Q91 Have you ever posted a picture online of wine-in-a-can?
Q92 Please answer these questions to the best of your knowledge.
Which brand(s)? Location, post, #hashtag
Subjective Wine Knowledge
Q94, Q95, Q96, Q97
General Comments
Q98 Is there anything else that you would like to add about wine-in-a-can?
Q2 What is your age?
Q102 What is your gender?